Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween from the Barney Bunch!! Here are all of us in our costumes!!!

Baby suzy (the youngest) starring as Miss Minnie Mouse!

 Anastasia starring as a much older and more mature minnie mouse!!!

Abigail (the oldest) starring as an adorable lion!

Liam, starring as a grumpy "Rex" from Toy Story!

And last but not least... the hunter and the deer!


Anastasia as minnie mouse!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Is this thing on? Hello?

So, apparently I am dumber than I thought... I’m still trying to update this thing! There may or may not be pictures of Halloween posted. If there are, YAY! If not, I’ll try later :)

Testing.. tesing.. 123?

It's been so long since I blogged, I can't remember how!! It's my new goal to update my blog every Monday... but don't hold me to that. Here's some pictures of Halloween!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Life is grand!

I’m just feeling exceptionally blessed lately. I have an amazing family, and my children make me laugh every day! They are truly a joy to have around, and I’m excited that we are adding another one in February (that’s right, I’m pregnant!) As soon as Jeff figures out how to add pictures to our blog, we’ll post some!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


A couple months ago, this sweet pit bull showed up at our house. Being the sucker that I am, I decided she needed some food and water, and well, the rest is history. She wouldn’t leave and her appetite became bigger than a horses. I just thought she was getting fat... but no such luck. A couple weeks ago, she had 5 puppies under our cousins house. We got them back over to our house, and the kids have been having a ball with them. Lucy, the mom, is the sweetest thing on earth, but Jeff says she’s gotta go. Anyone interested in a sweet pit bull or any of her mutt puppies, give us a call!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our first Post!!!

I'm finally jumping on the "blog train!" Sorry if it's a little rough around the edges for a while. I'll figure it all out eventually!